How to apply nano-coating on sport bike body parts for enhanced UV protection in the UK?

12 June 2024

As motorcycle enthusiasts, you are always up for a ride on your sports bike. But are you aware of the damage that prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause to the paint on your prized possession? UV rays from the sun can cause the paint to fade, peel, and even crack.

Luckily, there is a solution: nano-coating. This high-tech product provides a protective layer that shields your bike's paint from the harmful UV rays. But how do you apply this product correctly? Let's dive into the topic!

Choosing the Right Nano-Coating Product

Before you start applying the coating on your bike, you must choose the right product. There are a plethora of nano-coating products available on the market, making it a daunting task to pick the right one.

When selecting a nano-coating product, you should consider its key features such as the level of UV protection, longevity, and ease of application. Additionally, customer reviews on platforms such as Amazon can give you a good insight into the product's performance.

Nano-coating products are often rated in terms of stars. A good rule of thumb is to opt for a product with a 4-star rating or higher. Do not forget to compare the price, as well. High-quality nano-coating products might be a bit expensive but they will provide better protection and longer-lasting results for your bike's paint.

Preparing your Sport Bike for Nano-Coating Application

Before you apply the nano-coating, it's essential to prepare your bike. This process involves cleaning the bike thoroughly and fixing any scratches or dents in the paint. Use a good quality car wash soap and a soft brush or mitt to clean the bike. Avoid using harsh detergents as these can damage the paint.

Once the bike is clean, let it dry naturally or use a microfiber towel to pat it dry. Avoid using a regular towel as it may leave lint on the paint. Now, inspect the bike for any scratches. If you find any, use a scratch remover to fix them. Use a tape to protect the parts of the bike that won't be coated.

Applying the Nano-Coating on your Bike

The next step is the actual application of the nano-coating. This is an easy process, but it requires careful application to ensure an even layer of coating.

Nano-coating products usually come in two types: spray-on and wipe-on. The spray-on type is more convenient and easier to apply. Simply spray the product onto the surface of the bike and then use a microfiber cloth to spread it evenly. The wipe-on type, on the other hand, requires a bit more effort. You will need to apply the product using a cloth and then rub it in using a circular motion.

Regardless of the type of product you choose, make sure to apply a thin, even layer. Too much product can create a streaky finish. Once you've applied the coating, you'll need to let it cure for the recommended time. This will typically be on the product's fiche or instruction manual.

Caring for your Nano-Coated Bike

After you've successfully applied the nano-coating, your bike will be more resistant to UV damage. However, this doesn't mean you can neglect your bike's maintenance.

Regular cleaning is still necessary to keep your bike in tip-top shape. Rinse off dirt and grime with water and then use a car wash soap to clean the bike. Avoid harsh detergents as they can damage the coating.

Additionally, reapply the nano-coating as recommended by the manufacturer. This might be once a year or every few months, depending on the product.


By now, you should have a good grasp of how to apply nano-coating on your sport bike for enhanced UV protection. With the right product, proper application, and ongoing care, you can keep your bike looking its best while also protecting its paint. It's a small investment that will pay off in the long run.

Remember, the joy of riding a bike does not end with the ride itself. Taking care of your bike, ensuring its longevity and maintaining its aesthetic appeal is also part of the thrill. And applying nano-coating is a key part of this process.

Nano-Coating Reapplication and Long-Term Maintenance

Now that the nano-coating is applied, the focus shifts to the maintenance and care of your bike's new protective layer. Even with the superior protection offered by nano-coating, certain practices must be followed to ensure the longevity of the coating and by extension, the integrity of your motorcycle paint.

Reapplication of the nano-coating is an integral part of maintenance. The frequency of reapplication depends on the manufacturer's guidelines, which can be found on the fiche produit or product sheet. Some products might suggest reapplication every few months, while others might only require it yearly. This is why it's vital to thoroughly review the product fiche before you add the product to your cart.

Cleaning your bike regularly is also crucial to keep the nano-coating in good condition. Accumulation of dirt and grime can affect the efficiency of the protective layer. Thus, a quick rinse with water, followed by a gentle clean using car wash soap, is recommended. High-temperature cleaning methods or the use of harsh detergents can damage the nano-coating and should be strictly avoided.

Nano-Coating: A Worthwhile Investment for Your Bike

The application of nano-coating on your sports bike is more than just a luxury—it's an investment. It's an investment in your bike’s appearance, longevity, and value. This high-tech solution offers substantial protection against UV rays, a leading cause of fading, peeling, and cracking in motorcycle and scooter paint.

With correct application and ongoing care, nano-coating helps maintain the bike's aesthetic appeal, effectively preserving its paint protection across country and city rides, in all weather conditions. Detailed reviews from riders in the United Kingdom and across the globe vouch for the benefits and the necessity of nano-coating in the realm of motorcycle maintenance.

Moreover, the ease of application, especially with spray guns, makes it a feasible DIY task. The nano-coating process involves preparation, application, and maintenance, each step equally important to achieve a flawless finish. When you paint your bike, you're not just changing its colour, you're adding a layer of protection that safeguards your bike, ensuring it remains as stunning and vibrant as the day you applied the first coat of paint.


In the final analysis, applying nano-coating to your sport bike is a wise choice for any rider looking to enhance UV protection and maintain the vividness of their motorcycle paint. With the right product and correct application, your bike becomes more resistant to harmful UV rays and potential damage. This is a low-effort, high-reward process that not only preserves the aesthetic appeal of your bike but also extends its lifespan.

Nano-coating is indeed a small price to pay for the long-term benefits it brings. Treat it as part of your bike care routine, just as vital as oil changes and tire checks. By doing so, you can enjoy the thrill of the ride knowing your bike is well-protected and looking its best – ensuring you ride with pride, every time.

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